A degree could help you become your best self.
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We Could Help You Achieve Your Career Goals

At Colorado Technical University we're committed to helping busy professionals like you succeed by offering industry relevant online degree programs in a flexible format. With CTU Fast-Track™ you can save up to 30% on tuition and graduate up to 30% earlier and turn your dreams into a reality at CTU.

Supporting You Every Step Of The Way

Goals are always easier to reach when you have a support team behind you. At Colorado Technical University, you're never alone on your educational journey. With our online community of faculty and students who care about you, you’ll have access to support that can keep you motivated to complete your degree and achieve your goals.


CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. Find employment rates, financial obligations, and other disclosures at www.coloradotech.edu/disclosures. Not all programs are available to residents of all states. Degree programs and concentrations vary by campus and are subject to change. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. The ability to reduce time in school and/or reduce tuition depends on the number of Fast Track™ tests successfully passed. Fast Track™ program credits are unlikely to transfer. Not all programs are eligible for possible 30% reduction in time and money.

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