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Transparent Tuition Rates

With our competitive tuition rates, a degree from CTU may be more affordable than you expected. Unlike many universities, CTU includes the cost of all books and fees in our published tuition, so there are no unexpected expenses while you pursue your degree.

Explore Financing Opportunities

With various scholarships, grants and financial aid options available, your education at CTU could be more affordable than you think. Explore our various financing options to find out if you can receive assistance paying for your degree.


Invest In Your Future

While a degree is a major investment, the money you pay now to go to school can go a long way. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, people who have a bachelor’s degree earn 67% more per week than those with a high school diploma alone.*


*Source: Based on median weekly earnings. These are national projections covering all levels of experience; conditions in your area may be different. March 15, 2016

CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. Find employment rates, financial obligations, and other disclosures at Not all programs are available to residents of all states. Degree programs and concentrations vary by campus and are subject to change. Financial aid is available for those who qualify.

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